Our involvement
- Desktop, preliminary and detailed investigations.
- Preparation of Remediation Action Plan (RAP).
The site had a long and relatively complex residential, commercial and educational land use history, and had been investigated in various areas to support previous development applications by JKE and others. The proposed State Significant Development (SSD) included six specific areas across the wider college property. Being an active college, site access was limited to school holidays. Other limitations to the investigation program included extensive underground services (notably fibre optics), steep inclines, and existing buildings and structures. A pragmatic approach to the detailed investigation of each area was required to provide the most robust data set, with due regard to the limited time and spatial boundaries.
JKE liaised with the client to develop a suitable sampling program resulting in sufficient data for the preparation of a RAP. The RAP was prepared considering the phased development of the site and remaining data gaps due to the site access limitations.